16:30 Yarmouth
Tarhib is clearly the most interesting runner here. A four year old with little miles on the clock, ran really well at Chelmsford after a second wind op. Things clearly haven’t been plain sailing with her hence the breaks in her career, however her pedigree obviously lends itself to easier ground and this course and distance winner will be popular.
If Makarovas last run is overlooked she would have a good chance. She has been on the go a while however and that could’ve been a sign she’s had enough for the season.
Kingmania is the selection each way as long as the dead eight remain. On the face of it she’s been disappointing this season, but it’s hard to forget her upward curve last season. She’s slowly coming down the weights, and it wouldn’t be the biggest surprise to see her go well.
17:03 Yarmouth
A competitive looking sprint handicap, where a few of these look in the grip of the handicapper.
Han Solo Berger knows how to win. He’s a course and distance winner, and he’s two pound lower than his last winning mark. There’s a chance that the ground maybe against him.
Colombe had done well this season. She’s generally consistent and certainly won’t mind any cut.
James Watt could offer some value as an each way selection. The level of his form stands up well in the context of the race. A fast run five furlongs with some give should suit him well, and hopefully he can grab a place at least at rewarding odds.
JAMES WATT (E/W) written by Matt Polley