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18:10 Wolverhampton  Boom The Groom may well be in the twilight of his career but even at the age of eight connections felt a wind operation would aid the geldings chances. A recent third at Chelmsford shows he’s still got a tonne of ability left and although this is a step up in class it could easily be argued that the competition doesn’t seem too much of a step up from last time and Tony Carroll’s runner is set to go well one again. A three pound rise for his recent course success is very fair for Shamshon but a drop in trip doesn’t look ideal. Although it’d be ludicrous to dismiss his chances out of hand this looks a tougher assignment especially over the minimum trip. The horse that looks the one to keep a close eye on is fellow course and distance victor Orvar. Paul Midgley’s six year old is unbeaten here at Wolverhampton and has been running well over in Dubai of late. Not guaranteed to win but with all-weather maestro Luke Morris booked for the ride expect a big run of our selection fails to deliver. BOOM THE GROOM (WIN) – NAP


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